which one is more important??
The Supreme Court of Canada’s split decision in whether a woman can wear a religious veil, knows as a niqab, in the courtroom as a witness has created a lot of questions.
The Supreme Court ordered her to remove her niqab that she was wearing as a witness; they said that facial expression is a part of the cross-examination but she refused. It has been an issue because many people think it interfere with her religious freedom. Finally, the Supreme Court ruled that a witness can cover their face in certain circumstances.
These days, as we witness development of human’ right, there are many challenges between individuals’ freedom and society; above case and breast feeding in public places have become become representative models. It is very hard question which one is more important just like a hen-versus-egg argument.
However I think that social’s rule is more important than individuals’ right. When we try to keep our freedom, if we interrupt other people’s right it is unfair.
For example, you can image that some mothers try to breast fed their babies in a bus; it makes people uncomfortable and confuse even if the mother doesn’t intend to make them like that. Of course, we have a right to enjoy our freedom but we should enjoy our freedom without interfering with other’s right.