Friday, March 22, 2013

If you have an option, would you like to live in the past/present/future?

There is a hard question to think about in your whole life. Which phase of your life was the best? Which part of life would you like to live now? Well, I have been living in my present and I believe that my past has been done. I have made up my mind about it, because I've chosen to live at the present time. Maybe I have made a mistake, maybe I couldn't fix something that I did in the past, but my question is… Why I have to spend my time to think about the past? I'm living now, the present. I was wasting my time thinking about my future, wondering what is going to happening and why Should I do to feel prepared for the future, but I just realized that you cannot plan your life. You just have to follow your destiny and enjoy the exactly moment that you’re living now. However there are some tips for you try to concentrate in your present and enjoy the best phase of your life: Now!

Focus on whatever you are doing: If you are working, walking, talking, chilling out, drinking, try to concentrate at this moment, enjoy your friends, family, talk with them, give them a little of your humour and laugh together. Smile is the most important gift that you could give for someone. It’s free and you can use every time.

Just breathe. Take a time to think about yourself. Relax and try to concentrate in breathing. Get a very deep breath, through your nose, as deep as you can. Listen to the air moving into your body, and feel your lungs swell.

Listen to the music of the world: Pay attention about the birds, ocean, and natural places, take a time to stay alone and try to stay in the exactly moment that you’re in a beautiful place. Enjoy the view, Enjoy it. Think about you; think about what you are doing to be a better person. The moment is all around you.

Be a donor. Help people who need your help. Give them something that you have and you appreciate. Try to go out to visit poor, homeless people, or helping victims of natural disasters. Learn with them, they have much more things to teach you than you think and you can't be sensitive to those kinds of opportunities unless you're living in the moment.

Be Thankful. Be grateful to be here, to be able to talk, to walk, to dance, to eat, to do simple things that you never ever had paid attention that you were able to do before. The best things in your life are made of simple things.

Sometimes you start to get a busy life, working, studying and we forget to do simple things in their life. Don’t be a perfect person, just try to do your best in your best way.

Watch this video and try to concentrate:

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