Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Carmen- 4 - bullying? what would you do?

Bullying is not just a word, it's a life style of some people who don't care about the others

 Bullying is the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others in different ways like physical power and even verbal insults because people who have this behaviour are against of some different cultures and other kind of different ideas, .this problem is been taken as a part of a life style for some people even kids and adults and the victims are kids and adults too.

This kind of behaviour has been always present in the whole world  but now everybody knows the meaning of this word " Bullying" and the awful things that it means. I think that years ago nobody did anything to stop it, because people maybe used to hide this problem because they felt embarrassed and maybe they used to think that they can't say anything because people could have thought that they are very sensitive or weak. Also, this problem used to be hide because people used to think that this kind of behaviour can not really affect the personality and self esteem of a person who was victim of  bullying when now we can notice that for sure it affects. 

BUT WAIT A MINUTE! SOME PEOPLE STILL THINKING THAT! AND THAT'S WHY BULLYING CONTINUES... we have to do something to stop this kind of behaviour!

Now you are thinking " but there are a lot of actions against of bullying like the PINK DAY that reminds us about the worst thing that is bullying for everyone". for sure is a really good action and the last week it takes place in Canada! 

But it doesn't ENOUGH!!! or you don't realized that everytime that some awful situation happened like the death of a teenager because of bullying , people start to do something? So, we can do the difference, imagine eachone of us doing an against bullying action everyday,for sure that definitely going to work! the following advice can let us achieve to stop or decrease bullying:

  1. TELL AND NEVER HIDE A VIOLENCE SITUATION,If you know somebody who is victim of bullying or if you are a victim, tell he situation to someone i don't be embarrassed to ask for HELP!  if you hide a violence situation this going to kill as a person!.
  2. ALWAYS THINK THAT THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN THIS WORLD IS YOU! don't let others take advantage of you or make fun about your beliefs. no one have the right to make you feel bad!
  3. HELP OTHERS DON'T LET THEM DIE, if you see someone is victim of bullying , go and try to protect him or her and also go for help never ignore the situation.

Let's do it ! ... we can do the difference!

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