Monday, August 13, 2012

Daniel - #5 - Humans & Other Species

Team Earth

We all―humans and other species―live in the same planet: Earth. Each specie has its own way to contribute to the planet's balance. Be it by regulating the insect population, or pollinate flowers, or even by creating dams to prevent floods. Each specie, bir or small, mammal or reptile, has something a role to play. it's part of a chain that links all species, habitats, and ecosystems into one whole so that there is balance.

Remove a ring from the chain and the whole things comes down.

Humans, being the way we are, have always thought of ourselves as a superior specie, when that's a wrong perspective. As a specie we have been irresponsible, we have leaded We are more aware of our abilities and what's going on around, which gives also a responsability. All the species in the planet are linked; all species comform a team, and we humans are the leader.

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