Monday, August 13, 2012

Nick-6- Somebody else/Yourself

            BLACK AND WHITE

I wouldn't want to be anyone except myself. I believe that the world is not black and white,  instead all of us are mixtures of those. It is dangerous to be somebody else, they may look good from outside but inside they can be very mean. We can't judge the  book from it's cover. We can't judge the book even if we read it all. Book is a book, and it's contents change in time.For example think the books that you have read more than once, they must have changed every time you read them. We can't judge people either, because -just like books- their contents change in time too. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are bad; one of these aspects are dominant, but this doesn't means that the other is vanished. Now this leads to my most important reason; Why be somebody else while you can be yourself? their life is not black and white either, maybe even worse than mine own. I think it's meaningless to be somebody else while everybody's life's keep changing. I would prefer my own adventures and changes if I had to choose between me and somebody else. Because my own personality is beyond any price that anyone can offer to me. I can change it however I want, I can upgrade it I can do whatever I want with it. My personality is my greatest treasure and I won't trade that to anybody else. 

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