Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mario Duarte - Human & Other species

Red alert: World's endangered species

Today there is a lot of talk about the subject of extinct species, a lot of curiosity behind it, and with the advances in computer graphics, there have been some movies released portraying Dinosaurs and other extinct animals.

The Siberian Tiger is
critically endangered
But another topic that should be in people's minds is that of the ENDANGERED SPECIES, animals that are still around us, but are facing real threat of disappearing, due to low population numbers or environmental and predation parameter changes.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is the international agency that has the difficult task of cataloguing the number of all endangered species throughout the globe, and it is specially known for its IUCN RED LIST, that has attracted attention with the recent inclusion of the Panda Bear as an endangered animal.

A endangered Panda cub
But although the IUCN has got some attention with the release of the Red List, they can only provide information, and the reponsibility lies with countries which have their own laws regarding the subject. What has happened in recent years has been an increase in the awareness of the general public about the subject, due to strong movements from environmental groups like The Greenpeace and the WWF.

Governments, agencies, environmental groups and the general public have their share of work in how we are going to perceive this topic in the future, and work together to prevent the possibility of future generations having to go to the movies to see what a Panda looks like. 

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