Monday, August 13, 2012

Vlad - 6 - sb-else/yourself

                                                       Whom would you choose to be

We have another hard topic from the teacher that we have to deal with. Who I want to be? I feel normal being myself, actually! But the task is the task. This way I should analyze what is good or bad in being yourself and somebody else.

On the one hand, I completely disagree to be somebody else. How come can you even dream of being another person! I can agree that there are many people who are very famous, and all others are jealous about their achievements, but the point is that you see only one part of their lives. When you look deep into other peoples lives, you would se not only the good things that they hqve, but also every negative thing they have to deal with in their lives, and that part of somebody else’s life might not be so attractive. Even if the person you would like to be is rich and very famous.

On the other hand, if I had a chance to become somebody else for certain period of time, I would try to get a life as a  Russian peasant in 19th century. Then I would try a pirate’s destiny somewhere in Caribbeans. But all that would be about experience. I would ask for guaranties that after all these experiments I would remain myself.       

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