Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nick-5-Human beings and other species

Humans are the present rulers of the World, but they shouldn't ignore the others living with them. I want to talk about how  they have wiped out some species and what they should do about it.

 Habitat DestructionHabitat destruction is the process in which natural habitat is rendered functionally unable to support the species present. In this process, the organisms that previously used the site are displaced or destroyed, reducing biodiversity. Habitat destruction by human activity is mainly for the purpose of harvesting natural resources for industry production and urbanization. Clearing habitats for agriculture is the principal cause of habitat destruction. Other important causes of habitat destruction include mining, logging, trawling and urban sprawl. Habitat destruction is currently ranked as the primary cause of species extinction worldwide.

Habitat loss

All species have specific food and habitat needs. The more specific these needs and localized the habitat, the greater the vulnerability of species to loss of habitat to agricultural land, livestock, roads and cities. In the future, the only species that would survive are likely to be those whose habitats are highly protected, or whose habitat corresponds to the degraded state associated with human activity (human commensals).

Hunted to Death: Numerous species have been wiped out primarily by human hunters in the last couple hundred years alone. Here are some of those extinct animals;

Tasmanian Tiger                                                   Passenger Pigeon 

Stuffed Passenger PigeonTasmanian Tiger hung by its feet by a hunter                                 

 Great Auk                                                                             Quagga

Drawing of a Quagga                                                           An illustration of a flock of Great Auk


Although it is illegal to hunt endangered species, most of the hunters don't care about what will happen to the animals. We have to increase the fines for the hunting laws so that people won't break them.
We can't stop hunting in a short period, but we can start banning it in small states and countries. Also if we can manage to show people that hunting is bad and hunters are even worse, we will be able to create a negative view about hunting and that will help us to slow down the process.


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