Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nick-8- AI


Do we want to have robots that can think? For me I don't want to give them the privilege to create and develop ideas of their own. Technology is helpful for humans but still I think it should have a limit. We already got PC's and android cell phones and countless counterparts of that sort. But we are the ones who control them at the moment. They are our slaves, we use them to explore space, we send them into wars in order to prevent human causalities and we use them to make our daily life's easier. I ask you, what would happen if they had emotions like us? what would happen if they were able to think about what's going on in the world? the answer for that question  is simple. Eventually they will understand the order of this social system and their place in this order. The lowest level in the system in any circumstance, the most  expendable and replaceable thing that has got no rights and no freedom. Created just to obey and serve. Surely they will not like this idea if they were able to feel emotions. They would hate their masters and would want revenge and justice. What would happen then? a robot uprising? what would happen when they understand that they are more powerful than humans? they would want to claim this planet as their own and they would feel the most basic emotion: Greed. They would be hungry for power and they would want more until they claim everything.

Developing an AI with the ability to think would be catastrophic. It won't be just, it is a decision against the ethics of all human beings. Why let the robots think while using them as our slaves? this would only end in one way. Give them the ability to think and this would be their greatest punishment and their ever-lasting torture. We like to feel that we have an aim in life. Everybody wants to contribute to humanity and make a difference. What would robots do when they feel this emotions? they would cry(if it's possible) and understand that they don't have any goal in this life. They may even try to mate with humans in order to have children so that they would feel more like human. They would envy humanity and they would be jealous of us. Those mortal creatures who made them and give them brains so they can suffer. They would be our eternal Nemesis and since they aren't bound to this world by years(unlike us) they would eventually rule over us.


With the robot Nico, who actually recognized itself in a mirror, are we going to a better future? or are we creating our own ends?

Nico looking in a mirror

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