Wednesday, August 29, 2012



Today , we were given such a difficult topic and it  is already difficult to explain even in my own language. The first question which comes to mind is what destiny is. Our religions, our traditions and  our characters form the way we understand destiny. In my opinion, we can explain it geometrically. There are two different kinds of circles which each of them has different powers.The smaller circle which is put inside of the bigger one ,reflects the power of us while the other one reflects the power of our creator. There are some elements that we can not change or decide on. For instance, we can not change our family or nationality. We can not live longer than the age which has been decided for us before we were born. These issues are out of our control. However, the creator offers different options for different problems. We can decide which major we want to study or the person who we will marry. Our destiny is consisted of our choices and other issues that we can not change and decide.

Another important thing is that God, Allah or whatever you call the creator, knows what we will choose from different alternatives which creator has offered us. Therefore this part is the other side of destiny. Some people find believing in destiny as a sign of weakness. This is just glorifying yourselves.Yes, we have power to live like a strong fighter despite difficulties in life. However, it is impossible to stay  so strong unless we accept misfortunes as a gift of creator. We all live for different reasons, but the thing that I am pretty sure is that we are sent here  for an exam so we need to show our gratitude to the creator  no matter how difficult lives we have.

 My mom has always said that if you have a really serious and unsolvable problem, this shows that you are more strong than the others and God loves you more than the others and wants to be sure about your love for him. So enjoy the every second of your life and be thankful for each beauty that you have in your life. However, each of our lives will come to an end so I recommend that you  live like you are going to die tomorrow and plan your life that you are going to live forever.

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