Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nick-9-Masters of Destiny


Life is based on decisions. We make choices that affects our life's both in short-term and long-term. We may choose to study as a student and have a good academic career, or we can choose to be lazy and aim our focus elsewhere instead of academical success. We can choose if we want to study abroad or in our own country, we may even choose not to study at all. Every people has to face with those kind of decisions and they suffer the consequences of those decisions. 

I don't believe human beings are normal, because they can't be normal. Nothing in this universe is normal, everything's existence is significant one way or another. All human beings are on this planet for a reason, they got their own goals and wants in this life. Some contribute to the universe in public ways while the others do it in a more subtle way, but eventually all of them helps each other and everyone else. So my question is are we really able to control our life's or is this a trick of a greater force in order to prevent us from rebelling against it. Because, as you know, humans don't like to be controlled by any other being/beings. 

Answer to my question is currently unknown  but maybe someday we will learn the answer or we never will. This subject can drive one crazy if he or she will think about it for too long so solution is easy, just live your life and always do the best you can so you will never say "I could have done better" instead you will say "I done my best, the rest is fate". We may never know about our destinies but I'm sure that we have got the spirit and the power to do what we have to do and I think we shouldn't question the rest because the answer is far beyond our understanding.

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