Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Can we be masters of our destiny?

This is a really difficult question and one doubt that we'll always have in our mind. There are people who believe in their destiny. They believe that if something is wrong in their life, it is because they have made a mistake in the past, or they should have been patient in some point of their lives or  because they're not managing the things correctly. In contrast, there are many people who totally disagree with the idea that we humans can master our destiny. In many cases it's totally related with religion, especially in countries where the people are almost obligated to follow their faith.

In my opinion, yes, we can be the masters of our destiny. There are many good examples of the people around the world who really changed the way of their lives. Poor people, from low income families have changed their fate by themselves even when people said they couldn't do it. That's why I believe that everyone is able to choose whatever they want and wish to do. I could give names and talk about their life history and how they have changed their fate, but that text would be extensive. However, I can tell you that there is no secret or magic, everything depends on our actions and effort to reach our goals and dreams. We can be born at a poor family and become rich or also the opposite. We can be born with an amazing talent and lose it to the world or perhaps to the drugs like in many cases. We may have not had a good education but you can become a successful person. The truth is that anything is possible if you believe and make it happen. On the other hand, some people just live their lives without making any efforts, to me it means a routine life, and most of them don't do anything to change. Unfortunately, the worst thing is that they usually blame somebody else or the destiny for their failure.

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