Monday, August 13, 2012


                                               BE PROUD OF  BEING YOURSELF

People sometimes complain about some bad qualities they have. We sometimes want to be like our best popstar or one of our friends who is taller or  more beautiful than us. We sometimes imitate the people that we admire. However, if I had a chance to be someone else, I would definitely choose being myself because I have an amazing life which is full of lots of success and which many people admire. Firstly, nobody is perfect.Therefore everybody should accept their imperfect sides.Moreover, you can not see the beautiful sides of other creatures around the world without loving yourself. Finally, to want to be someone else reflects the lack of self esteem and when you choose this option, you take a huge risk.

To begin with, nobody is perfect. God is the only perfect one. Each creature has its own beauties. Therefore, perceiving other people more beautiful or better than you is the worst thing that you could do to yourself.We should see the good sides of our body and character instead of complaining about the sides that we don't like.I don't  mean that we should never change ourselves.Of course we need to improve the bad saspects of our character to live happily with others.The thing that I support is that each creature carries a piece of beauty of God. Hence, we need to learn to see just these sides and live happily.

Moreover, loving yourself is the main thing in your life. It is impossible to love other creatures and see all beauties in nature without loving yourself  because you get used to finding bad sides and criticize everything. My recommendation is that start with loving yourself and enjoying all beauties around you.

Last but not least, self esteem is one of the keys in success and loving yourself reflects your self respect. You can not improve your career without self esteem because you spend all your efforts to correct yourself instead of adding new successes to your life. However, the worst part of choosing being another person is that you can not know somebody else deeply, you know them just the way they look from outside.

To put it in a nutshell, just be proud of being yourself and count your blessings because each beauty that you have is a perfect present that is given by God.

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