Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Advertisements: they are part of our lives

It's early morning, you wake up and open the newspaper to be up-to-date with the news while you have your breakfast. As you flip the pages, you are shot by all kinds of advertisement. Well, now you are off to work. You take your car and, in the meantime, you listen to the radio. But every frequency you try, you just find ads. Not to mention the vision pollution of the billboards. You arrive at work and open your e-mail. It is full of junk mail! In your lunch time, all of the restaurants are trying to call your attention. After work, you just want to rest at home, so you turn on the TV while you have dinner. Now, you have a shower of commercials trying to sell you things. So you decide to switch the channel to a culinary program. Oh no, in the middle of the dish preparation, guess what?! It is interrupted by someone in the studio trying to sell you the newest powerful camera ever invented. Suddenly, the phone rings: "Hello, Sir.! Would you like to open an account in our bank? We have good conditions and rates..."
A similar situation to that described above is lived by a lot of people nowadays. Our lives are almost led by advertisements. What you eat, what you wear, what you do... Everything is influenced  by what the advertisers say you should do/be. In some ways, you might think that there is no choice but to do what the media says. It happens  due to the brainwashing that this huge industry is doing all the time in your life. As it was said, it is business. It is their job. They won't stop doing it. But we all have our own free will and freedom to choose what we want for our lives. We must have a filter to see what is suitable and healthy for us. If we bought everything that is advertised and said that is  the best for us, we would definitely not be in a very good condition as they have promised.

Are the advertisements good or bad for our lives? This answer depends on you. It depends on how you deal with it in your daily routine. If you are a sensible person and use the filter in your favor, you can take advantage of this plenty of advertisements that is thrown at you every day. Otherwise, you will become a slave of this system. You will lose a lot of money on useless things you buy for yourself  and get frustrated about bad choices you have made. On the other hand, we are lucky to have a great variety of products, to have possibilities of choice. After all, we are the owner of our lives and we still have our free will to decide what is the best for us!

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