Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nick-21-Teacher's problems

                    BEING NASSER

My blog will be about a certain teacher who has to deal with certain students who are allowed to use computers in class. I will put myself in this teacher's shoes and try to solve his problems. caution is advised because this teacher's drama may damage your psychology!! 

Let's think about what Nasser has to suffer everyday; A class full of students who text,talk and surf on the Internet at the same time. he tries to be patient but naturally his students abuse his good-willed tactics. Since he is not yelling around or smashing their cell phones, they keep on doing what they want to do even through class. What should he do? start being strict and use extreme measures in order to make sure that no one is idling in his class? or maybe he should go easy on them and hope that they will understand in time?

I think it depends on the circumstances. He can be a bad teacher if you piss him off, but as long as you don't frustrate him he will be the best teacher on earth. Being an extremely angry teacher may cause students to alienate themselves from class and being an extremely nice teacher may cause students to take advantage this nice attitude; but being the teacher between these two qualities is the perfect place to be in my opinion.

But how can Nasser be the perfect teacher? he can be a little more angry because currently he is heading towards being the extremely nice teacher. He can use more effective methods on his students and he can take some of their sources of entertainment from them. This doesn't mean that he must be an angry teacher, just he can show that he has got the reins in his hands and no one will challenge him in terms of class management. I am not familiar with the teaching methods and Nasser knows them pretty good so I don't think that he should change those methods. 

In a nutshell, I think that Nasser is already a good teacher, but to achieve complete control over students he should be a little bit more serious. As one of his students I beg him not to be extremely angry and not to be offended by this blog in any way and I hope that this will help anyone who reads it!!

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