Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The price of inequality.

The price of inequality - How is your country paying for it?

Inequality is a huge issue for many countries. There are different levels of inequality. Inequality can  be about cultural knowledge, about social position or economic situation. This is the main problem that does affect every country. It doesn't matter how developed they are. The more developed  the country is, the bigger the gap between rich and poor people would be .

Lately this issue has been more and more discussed among governments. Sooner or later they will realize that inequality is the cause of recession. While the governments are not willing to face the real cause of the problem, which is the gap that causes inequality, in the near future their economy will collapse and all system probably go bankrupt.

This issue doesn't have a simple solution, but many thinkers have been discussing the possible causes of the gap. Recently, one of the most respected writers about social and economic issues, Joseph Stliglitz, wrote a book which clearly depicts the source of the problem.

He has written many books in the recent years and "The price of inequality" has shown us how the economy in the United States is facing a serious problem which can lead the country to a recession one more time.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolate question and all the other countries, who have been trading with United States feel some sort of a domino effect. AS for Brazil, we can say that the economy is strongly affected by US recession. Due to the economic difficult situations all around the world and especially in the US, many companies in Brazil are facing economic problems, which causes unemployment. Without job and money, many people who used to be considered middle class have lost this status. This is the main cause of the gap that does exist in Brazil nowadays. As  our internal economy suffers conssistently through the worldwide recession,  the multinational companies gain stronger ground, which weakens the domestic  economy, causing more and more inequality.

In a nutshell, inequality has many different causes and affect countries in many ways. This is not an easy issue to the deal with, and all the efforts that governments have done in this field have not been succesful. While they don't cope with the source of the problem, which is the bad distribution of weatlh, we can not have any progress. Better distribution of wealth could be the only way to start solving this problem.

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