Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Victor - 2 - Ads

The Invasion of Ads!

I believe that nowadays our society has a culture of consumerism because of the ads. There are more ads that have bad influence in the culture of the society. They affect people education, the way they behave in home or society, and in their quality of life as well.

For instance, I always see people striving to get the new gadgets even if they can't afford them or even if they have little time with the last gadget. And they are always investing in updating such stuffs while the fact is that they can go without it, getting the new technology doesn't mean you have a better quality of life. In that way the ads are very persuasive.

Another field the ads aim is young people. The ads manage a lot of stereotypes which causes kids and youngsters lose their identity gradually, making them forget their entities, affecting their thoughts and education.

People may not be aware of the power of ads but let me say that it is scientifically proven that they are even capable of provoking chemical changes in your body. Once I read that there was an experiment in a restaurant that playing  a kind of music helped to trigger  the need of consuming sweet things in human body. During that period the sale of ice cream increased 30%. Another time I read that an episode of a famous cartoon causes stress on many Japanese children and it had to be banned.

I'm against ads because the culture of the companies who sponsor the ads aims to induce people to consume as much as they can, and there is not enough laws to control what they show. There're no more good ads that really help people.

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