Tuesday, November 20, 2012


The top 5 on my bucketlist.

I have a lot of things to do before I kick the bucket, at fist I want to sing in front of a big audience in a big place, like a stadium and play with good musicians in an unplugged concert. I dream about this every time I listen and see a concert; it is so emotional for me, because I  can conect to the artists and see how  they are enjoying their performance.
 Moreover, I really want to travel and know more about other cultures, because I think that makes me a better person and  understand what  life is  about; I have always wanted to go to New York city, since I was a child and visit broadway and watch all the musicals that were playing there, so New York would be the first place to visit.  Also I want to go to Paris and drink a good bottle of wine just at the Eiffel Tower and be able to speak and understand french.

Theater is one of my favorite things in life, so another item on my list is working in a really big theater and acting in an awesome play.

Another goal I  have  is to meet someone really interesting that can leave me speechless. He or she doesn't have to be someone famous or rich, but someone smart enough to teach interesting things. Also,  I want to find a man and share a true love story just like Mr. Darcy in  Jane Austen's book. Someone that change my life and my vision of love; this is one of the hardest thing on my bucketlist, but I'm super enthusiastic to realize this dream!.

These are just a few things I want to do and they are not going to change easily, but there are  a lot of things to do in life and they can change with  time and with the opportunites life brings. We all have an idea what we want to do and we need something to persuit and to hold on , something or someone to bring flavour to our lives. Remember if you can do something today and now, do it!! you never know if its the last time you are going to be able to do it!!! say what you need to say, and have the courage to persuit your dreams!! I'm too young but wise enough to know that 'today' is what we  have, so make plans and forget and forgive the past,; let life be!! 

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