Thursday, November 15, 2012

Infants, the only "Personas non grata" in Age-Restricted Communities

I believe that these kind of restricted communities should have second thoughts about what they call "Successful Age-Restricted Housing Development". Many cases documented on having problems with these restrictions, are found that the most close neighbours are the last ones that have problems with these families with children.

I think community boards could be more tolerant allowing a low percentage of families having children or at least put them under evaluation before they can say: "Remove the child or sell the house within 6 months!". People end up losing their homes because they won't lose their children. I know the reason why this bylaw exists, elderly people have the right to live in peace, in a tranquil environment, but how can they live peacefully when they ask families that cannot afford get other home to throw their children out. I believe that community boards can take a poll on these issues with neighbours as well.

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