Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I haven't thought about my bucket list yet!I guess I'm still young, so... better late than never! 
You know, one of my big dreams is to be a mom! And I wish so many things for my sons...  So, I'm gonna do the list of the things that my sons should do and Uh, I guess many of these things might work for me too!
First, I want them to know how to play a musical instrument. It is like having a soundtrack of your life, isns't it great? Also, I consider it important and fun to learn a martial art. It will give them a good sense of defense and justice!
Later, I want them to live in a very different country from the one they were born. It will allow them to have another view of life! And when they are adults and have settled down, it would a good idea to try/learn other things than their jobs, which they already know how to do. This is good to keep them with their mind open! And the last but not the least, they should try the maximum possible number of different kinds of food! After all, eating is one of the biggest pleasures in life!


That's it, guys!! Let's get started?!!

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