Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nick-20- ads good or bad?

                      ADs: KILLERS OR SAVIOURS?

I think before making a decision about whether ads are good or bad for us, we must know what ads are. According to Wikipedia, Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and is used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. I believe this definition is correct but insufficient, because ads do more than merely encouraging people, they manipulate them. You may not know it, but ads effect almost every part of your life. they make you buy material that you don't have to buy, they make you dress according to the fashion, they use your emotions and past experiences in order to excite you so that you will buy whatever they are advertising.

Think about your smartphone for instance. You buy the most recent model available because the ads suggest that the newer models are better for you and you have to buy them in order to be more efficent. But actually a phone is just for calling people and no matter which phone you own, you can always call anyone around the world as long as you have the sufficient dollars for the call. I mean, nobody needs that many features on a phone to call someone else.

Moreover, in some cases the damage ads cause is more than just financial aspects. For example, for the people who are going through rehabilitation, different brands of alcoholic beverage commercials are dangerous. They are always on TV and people who try to quit drinking are tempted by those ads, because drinks are showed in such a way that they seem harmless and attractive.

But not all ads are bad, some of them actually entertain people and don't seek to manipulate their minds. There aren't many ads of this kind but still they can be found if you know how to look for them. For example coca-cola usually makes this kind of ads, with smart ideas and good implications they manage to raise their sales without using any method of controlling other people.

In a nutshell, the majority of the ads today are created in order to make us do things we don't tend to do and benefit those companies who have created the ads. We can deny the fact that we are influcenced by ads as much as we like but they will still keep on controlling our minds and actions, so I believe that the ads are bad for us and they should be limited in order to have a completely healthy society.

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