Tuesday, November 20, 2012

William - Bucket list

Bucket list - Top five!!

Sooner or later you're going to die. So, what is special in your life? What kind of thing you must do before kicking the bucket? Well, I already have my list. Let's see how many of these things I will be able to do before Mr. Dead comes after me.

First of all I would like to sail around the world. I love ocean and I'm a boat addict. There's nothing better than getting a boat and sailing the ocean. This is definitely the first item on my list.

The second one is an another huge travel. But this time, it's going to be on my motorcycle. Not only travelling around South America, like I did in the past, but going from West to East, crossing countries and knowing tons of different people and cultures. It could be amazing!

After these crazy trips, if I survive, I would like to learn how to play the guitar. Since I was a child I've been seeing those famous guitar players and I always have had a feeling that one day I could be one of them.

Another goal that I am chasing now, it's to become a fluent English speaker. It's not easy as it seems. Learning another language demands a lot of effort, and sometimes you might think about giving it up, but I'm doing my best to achieve this goal.

Last but not least, everyone in the world should try skydiving. Such a great feeling of freedom. Nothing compares to being free in the sky, flying around without any concern.

After doing all these things, I think I can die happily with joy in my heart!

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