Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tulio - 7 - Advices

Advice for the Present and the Future 

Advice is one way to give your own opinion about something based on, successful or disastrous, good or bad, long or short life experience to somebody else who is passing through a similar situation that you have been. The advice is, usually, a friendly recommendation to do or not to do something; however, at the end the decision depends on the person who receives the advice because the results also will be only his or hers.
Giving advice is much easier than receiving, because you don't have to concern yourself with the consequences, then be careful when you advice someone, specially about the future, because it can affect their life. However there are some pieces of advice that don't cause any damage or are not harmful to anyone.

Primarily I would say to be always happy, because its one of the most difficult things and requires a lot of time thinking about and training to just reach a bit closer to happiness. It means to face life with a good point of view even when the rest do not looks like being that good.

An important feature to carry on everyday life till  the far future is to be friendly and affectionate, because you can not do everything alone or even live alone, so you'll always need someone, independently of the reason, to support you, to talk to, to love, to discuss, to fight, to care. Thus, the point here is to preserve the old friendships and try to have as many more friends as you can. They will provide you funny memories, an awesome  present and a better future.

The most important thing in your future is yourself, so as the main advice that I would give is to take care of yourself in all aspects. Don't be ashamed of your body, it's you, take care of it because its your master vehicle and you'll carry it for the rest of your life. Don't pollute your mind with futile stuff, try to filter what really matters in your life. Be your own coach and always train to improve your personality to become a better person.

Advice are the sort of thing that can help a lot but also prejudice if it isn't a good one. Thereby, you just have to take care of  what you'll follow, because the result will be yours. However, get some good pieces of advice, as the ones some lines avove, is not a bad idea and indeed they will help you one day. 

Victor-1- Advice

Three pieces of Advice

The world changes as time goes by and generations after generations come and go. We have a fast-changing world which challenges us every day.The question is how to succeed in life in the today's world ?  

First, people are bombarded with hundreds of questions every day; then how can we deal with them ?
The answer is being focussed on what your goals, aims and plans for the future are, and sticking to them till you achive them.

Next, people face different challenges in different circumstances which lets them down, then how can they  get over them?

The point is not actually getting over them , it is that people sometimes have to
try to trivialize many of their problems and challenges, then why make such a fuss over these issues!
Moreover, sometimes we approach some issues that require help from somebody else, then why not ask for help ?
We all know that our ego is what does not let us ask for  help, moreover once you are helped by someone you learn something from that interaction and  it goes without saying ,the more you interact, the more you learn.

Last but not least, adopting to a wait-and-see attitude towards your life is not what is going to work out, indeed.Take action,ty out new things , say more yes instead of maybe , also go after what you have in mind and never give up.

Tulio -6- Travel/ Future, Past

The Past and The Future

Have you ever though about going back or going forward in time? Probably the answer would be "Yes" for most of people. It's a common wish among all generations, children, teenagers, adults and seniors. Everyone has the curiosity to know how the future will be and what will change in the future or the chance to change or fix something in the past, and also for pesonal reasons.

Imaging that the scientists had created a time machine, which one is capable of traveling to the past and to the future, and they have given an opportunity to you to use it to travel to whenever you want in the time.Furthermore, it allows the passenger to change one decision done in the past, but only one, although it doesn't have turning back. What would you decide if the chance were in your hands? What reasons would lead you to take this decision?

It's a sort of fancy question that plays with people minds and at the same time makes then in doubt. Personalty I would choose not to go to anywhere. First, because I think past is learning so all of  that I've seen till now is my life, every place I've been to increased my knowledge and widen my view of world, all the situations that I lived I learned a lesson, each person that I met taught me one thing, even good or not so all these experiences helped me to grow up in some way even if it was bad or good  and I can not regret it.

Second, it is a fact that the future is a mystery, what moves and gives sense to our lives. We won't have even an  interesting life if we already know what is bound to happen. It would be like decaying little by little for your death. The fact that we don't know what exactly  is going to happen gives us a reason to discover new things as to meet knew people, to travel, to study and do everything. The result can vary but at the end it will be worth it.

In conclusion, traveling through the time is a sort of thing that shape up people mind as well as the opinions they have. Therefore, it's a nice subject to talk about with friends because it helps the imagination and brings up histories about the past or future wishes. 




 Generation Y

Living in the world which we live today is not easy to deal with. There are many people who do not care about anything to contribute to and somehow they are destroying the world instead. The way that I see the world is that our generation, known as "generation Y", could have a very good or bad impact on everything in our future, but how can we do the best things in the best way?

First of all, our generation should study and read more than any other and gather information as well as   which can help us in any situation in our lives. When we get used to reading books, newspaper, magazines, articles or whatever can gain knowledge from, we also get used to being capable to give our own opinion about anything. Moreover, reading is the way which can make the world much better day by day, because reading means getting to learn and acquire knowledge.

Second, most of us are used to thinking in short-term which in many ways can cause undesirable reactions in our lives and someone else's life. Many teenagers do not think about tomorrow and in many cases, for example, they become parents too early for their ages. This is one of the most serious problems which we can have nowadays and if we think about, it's the easiest thing that we can avoid. I don't mean that it's an awful event, I mean that undesirable children are a mistake which can be avoided. That's why I wonder what our world will become in the next 50 years which likely our grandchildren will be living in because If a huge part of population, even a tiny part, are from parents' mistake, what kind of education can we hope for them? So, we have the chance to avoid this awful future in our lives and in our children's lives.

Third, we must live our own lives by ourselves as early as possible and avoid being dependent on our parents forever. When we start working, take responsibilities and start deciding by ourselves what is right or not, these things will spread out in our future and we'll be ready to make choices whatever we want and the most important, we'll be ready to deal with the problems which are unavoidable for everyone. On the other hand, we'll always need our parents to help us in each decision that we have to do which consequently can hinder the process of our growth and becoming mature.

Last but not least, we "generation Y" must be prepared for the labor market. How can we do it? The first step is to know about what we like to do. Second, we must plan our career, because if we write and follow each single step, we can reach all of them and consequently achieve our main goals. Through these steps, we must focus on each individual step and never give up if the things have not been going as planned. Most of us have interesting goals but never reach them, it's because most of time we don't try for a second time when the first one does not work. we "generation Y" must have a goal and move toward it, also we must be the best professional we can be, trying to reach our personal goals and somehow to help the world to become a better one.

Mario - 5 Advice

1 - Be curious

Learn from absolutely everything. Schools are the foundation, but only the beginning of it all.

Talk to people, pick their brains, learn listening to music, learn reading from books, learn practicing sports.
Too much of one source is not enough, try to listen to different points of view.  Wisdom and education are two important and yet different things.

 2 - Plan ahead

Don't rush into things without preparation and don't get caught off guard preparing too much.

Opportunities will appear and often you will have to measure them  if it is the right time to jump into the matter.

Have a 1 year plan. Have a 5 year plan. Have a 10 year plan. At the same time. Be conscious with money, make it work for you, not the other way around. 

 3 - Try.

Go out and try. FAIL at first time?
Try harder. Practice, learn, refine, try again. Be aware when its time to change tactics, or even to quit.

But above all, TRY.

It looks impossible? Why, just because you are the first one at it?
It doesn't have a manual?

Make it yours. Own it.

 4 - Explore

Make every second count. Explore the world, explore connections, explore what people have to offer.
In order to evolve you have to leave the cocoon. 
Its a family cocoon, its tradition, or religion? To make anything worth, you have to take a look from outside of it. For sure you will appreciate more later.

 5 - Be responsible

Try to do all these steps being responsible. Responsible for your actions, in how you affect people around you, in how you are going to leave your footprint in the world.

Stand your ground, when people around you are collapsing. Act on your feet without being impulsive.

At the end of the day, every single step will prepare you to be larger than life, to live at the fullest, to be happy!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Nick-13-pieces of advice

            WANT SOME ADVICE: READ!!

I believe it would be a waste of time if I talk about stereotype advices because nobody would listen to them. So instead of saying "read books, don't do drugs" I am going to suggest some things that might actually help you with life.

First of all, I don't think people need to be educated against their will, but let's face it everybody needs some kind of general information about what's going on around them and what had happened before them. My advice to you is that you should learn about major events in history and keep an eye on the events that are currently happening around the World. Not being able to solve math problems is one thing, but if you don't have a clue about who Adolf Hitler or Napoleon Bonaparte was then it is another thing and I would say you are in trouble.

Moreover, enjoy your life! do whatever you want, drink and have fun but just keep in mind that while doing all that stuff you have to protect yourself. your mother is not yelling at you because you do something wrong she yells at you because you aren't taking care of yourself. Don't overdose, don't drink and drive and don't have sexual intercourse with people you don't know without protection. If you take the necessary precautions everyone will be happy and you will be safe and hopefully more aware. (even Nike wants you to do it, so it gives you the protection!!)


In addition, It is way more fun to go out with your friends than to sit at home and spend your time on computer. Our generation's biggest problem is that everyone spends their time looking at computer screens. Don't do it! interact with real people not cyber people. Even  Bruce Willis advices you to do that-just watch his movie Surrogates where a very hot prostitute gets killed and they found out that she was actually a really fat man- so it is not a lame advice at all!

Last but not least, be curious! the only way to keep improving yourself is to keep on learning and experiencing different things and being curious is the key to learn  new things. Of course I don't mean that you should be nosey, but keeping a good level of curiosity can help you a lot in life. Even though I say you should be curios always keep in mind the saying "curiosity kills the cat".


                                               Advices for future generation

People always look for different adcvices in life  when they face situations that are little confusing when it's time to make a decision. I know for sure that those who honestly look for solutions will find proper advices for any situation. 

All right kids here are some advices for the future. The most tricky aspect of giving advices, is that they dont't work for everybody. It may just give you an idea according to which it get much easer to deal with a situation. 

What I know for sure is that life is always good, even when it plays games on you, it just means that you need to learn or understand something. So it's nessasary to try to understand and accept the world' rules. So following  this idea, I continue with my advices , and here comes another one. It's essintial for all people to understand what they want from their life, and understanding of this is not a day task! It may take years but it's really important. All these things are possible when a person stops being lazy . It's nessasary to work on yourself everyday, always have a plan or life strategy, always push your limits. Only diligence can help you to achieve good results in  life, and try to understand a little more about the world. That works like self rolling engine. The achievement that you make pushe you forward, but things that were left undone have opposite effect on people. Try to develope  positive attitude in all the thing you do or you face in  life. How it works it's secret for me. But positive attitude makes your brain work in the right direction, and brings you solutions! So simple but that's true. Finally I advice everyone to stay cheerful, laugh as much as possible, and take it easy. Life is beautiful.       


Jessica - 3 - Travel / Future Past

Who no longer wanted to travel back in the past? To relive happy moments and get the opportunity to see again especial people.We had many moments in ours life, good moments; bad moments; good choices; bad choices. It will be great to have the chance to do everything better.

If I have this chance, I would worry less; I would smile more; I would have more venture without afraid to take chances; I would say the word LOVE more often. I would enjoy my life more. But everything always has its disadvantages, the same time I will get the opportunity to relive happy moments, I will have the bad moments too again, if the pain caused by the bad moment is very strong, I do not think that I could handle this feel twice. About to get the opportunity to see again especial people in my life, it will be sad, because I already know that some them will die, surely this is the worst pain that anyone can feel.

So, travelling back to the past won't be a good deal. The people think that travelling to the past    

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Gustavo-6-Travel to the past

Would you like to travel to the past?

Have you ever imagined traveling to the past? What would you do if it were possible? I guess most people have thought of this possibility when the things have not been going well and mainly when we do things which we'd not have done. Although even if we'd like to travel to the past and change the wrong things which we've done, some people are afraid of going back to the past and revive and redo things again.

If I were able to travel to the past in any part of my past I'd not like to go back. First of all, even with the opportunity to change the things which I felt sorry about and I had done and with the possibility to redo or simply do not do them again. It sounds strange because in many cases there are lots of lives involved which if we changed some parts of our lives we also could change the life of someone else. Also, we can't change our lives just to benefit ourselves which could be impossible to change the things without affecting others' lives mainly because when the things have not been very well for us, others people have benefited from those ocasions.

Moreover, why should we change our lives if we have no idea about our future? What I mean is that, our lives is not a book which we can erase and rewrite the parts we did not like every time or whenever we want to. Our lives are more than just erasing and changing things that suit us. Our lives are mysteries and nobody will ever see the future and also travel to the past, because our lives are connected with billions of others lives and one single variable could affect them all.

Last but not least, from my point of view, God made every single thing as they are. So, what, we poor humans, should not change the route of his decision of our lives and go against him. For me it's not fair in any way. The point is that we must live our lives carefully and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Also, we must be aware of our actions because most of the humanity's mistakes are caused by some wrong actions. In this way we'll live better and avoid thinking of changing our past without any reasons.


                                                           Past or Present

If one day a miracle happens and a kind man from a bottle offers me to spend the rest of my life in 17th century, it would be a very tough call to choose between the present and the past. Such thoughts make me feel excited, and little nervous as I understand all the seriousness of the  consequences of such decision. So present life or one way ticket to the past? 

I'm very happy with the time I live at. Let's see what the present has for us. Due to very fast progress,the life is getting more and more convenient, compared to the past; people have more freedom and rights than any previous ages. Lasty a very important thing is that all my friends, my family, and everything that surrounds me, and I am used to is in the present. 

On the other hand, the possibility to go to past is very exciting for me. First of all, it's because nowadays not a lot of really revolutionary things happen. When I start thinking of the times when people were making discoveries that effected all the world and became a part of world history, it just captures my imagination. I can imagine if I were a witness of invention of electricity or I could also be a member of Columbus crew when he discovered the Americas. 

Yes I would definetly want to live in the  past, and to realize that I lived at the time of great events. 

Jessica - 2 - Tips?

                                                         Tip or no tip?

The waiters and bartenders are professional important to market and there are no doubt that they need to be valued and motivated, so tipping is important in this case. However, what can not happen and that usually happens is the owners of bars and restaurants use the tip as a kind of extra money for their expenses at their establishment. This is abuse and lack of respect for consumers. 

Also, is not adequate to establish how much you should pay in tip. You should pay how much you think it is necessary, because the burdens with hand labour are the responsibility of the employer and not of those who purchase the service and the product.

The concept of quality of service is very important too, because this influence the costumer gives a good tip. But the establishment should treats their customers well, no matter if they give tips or not, because the customers are paying for the product, so the quality of service is essential to existence of establishment.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mario - Tip??

So, Tips or No Tips?

Do you enjoy being served at restaurants but hate to pay an extra 15% as gratuities?
What about the people who work hard for you, don't they deserve something?

That's a very tough subject to touch upon these days, because of the large number of different practices all over the globe. In a lot of countries, tips are not a custom required while in others it is a very part of the social fabric, leaving the question whether we should get rid of this once and for all, or just go with the flow?

Bad, bad service! 

Let's start by drawing a basic resolution: No tips for bad service. A lot of people feel the pressure to tip even if the service wasn't good as expected.
So it is very fair to say that if the hospitality industry expects the minimum gratuity every time, the customers also should expect a good service every time.
A rushing waiter that wants to go home and yank the plate at you or the ever frowning taxi driver that doesn't exchange a word with you but expects tips every time. A key part to make this process work is the feedback a customer can give. No pressure, don't be afraid of retaliation, just speak your mind and maybe next time things will be different.

What about a 
good service?

You've got a nice dinner and a nicer waiter, that got everything you asked for, even that customized salad with no onions and dressing on the side. Flawless!
This might be an easy occasion to open up your wallet and give more than the usual 15% tip, but for every service like this, there are 10 that were OK or even mediocre. 

What should we do?
Well, just exercise your power as a customer, giving proper feedback and giving the right amount of gratuity you consider necessary. 

What else is left?

Well, there are also time when the things get ugly. For example, owners that get part of the tips or even get all of it for themselves, or disproportional distribution of tips between waiters and cooks or special places where everybody seems to expect tips, like hotels.

The world is not fair, and for each good practice like tipping services there are people profiting in some obscure ways. What  we can do is to be aware of any situation like this and be sure to do the right thing.



In many countries tips in place such as restaurants is a way to thank them for good services. In other countries tips are mandatory and it's included in the bill, also there are countries which it's not allowed. Nowadays, tips are some financial help to a lot of waiters and waitresses. However, how can we deal with this issue when we are foreign in other countries? How can we get used to tips when in our countries it's not common? How can we give tips without knowing where  the money really goes?

In my country, Brazil, tips are not common and besides that in most of the restaurants the tips are mandatory and included in the bill. In this case we don't have a choice even if the services is not good enough. Whereas in countries like the United States and Canada tips are part of social behavior, which I realized that even if we don't appreciate the services we must give tips instead of no tip.

Every time that I go to a restaurant, I wonder if they deserve tips or not, mainly because I don't know where this money will go to and who will get it. I must say that in some places the waiter or waitress really deserves a tip, because they provide very good service also motivate the staff to keep good services and improve day by day every single thing. In contrast, in some restaurant they do not attend their guests as well as they should, or also they're not part of the serving process and we, customers have to get our food and beverage by ourselves. In this case of course they don't deserve it. In my view we should consider the service because their job is not something like a product which we are buying and using it, but their job is a customer service which changes from person to person.

Nick-12- Tips ?!


I think everybody should tip when they can, but they have to do it the proper way and with the right intentions. Because tipping can be a way of saying "thank you for your services" as well as " I am richer than you, and just to prove it here you go". Also some people tip because they feel embarrassed or guilty when they don't, but should we tip just because we feel guilty when we don't tip? I don't think so. I think tipping is important to us, but we have to do it the right 
way. Now let's talk about those proper ways.

First of all, you shouldn't tip if you don't have enough money to do so. If you don't have a high income or you are a student you don't have to pay large amounts of money and people will understand that. If you have enough money, just leave some tip even if you don't have to because people will understand that too. I mean if you don't have the sufficient economical condition employers will sense that and won't judge you, but they can sense when you have got lot's of money and if you won't tip them they will judge you.

Moreover, don't tip just to show off, believe in what you are doing. Some people just give the money in a rude and obvious way, but I think you should do it in a more subtle and gentle way because that is a sign of appreciation not aggravation.
If you do it the gentle way, results will be positive.

Finally, tip generously. I told you that you should only tip when you can afford to tip, so when you do don't be stingy about it. You tip so that the person who served you can do something with that money, give them the best you got and you will get the best they can give you. You will have a clear conscience when you walk out from the restaurant if you tip generously.

Tulio - 4-National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros

National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros

When someone hears or talks about Brazil, in most of the cases, the main subjects are the beautiful beaches, the hot weather, the Amazon and the beauty of the Brazilian's women. That's the truth; we really have all of those things, however what is unknown and unsaid about Brazil, for most people is that we have so many more cultural and beautiful places. Brazil is one of the biggest countries in the world, which provides a wide of range of climates, topographies and biodiversity. An amazing and exotic place in Brazil, that has unique features and reveals something unknown for most of the tourists is  National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros.

Situated in central part of Brazil, in state of Goias and around 100 km away from the Capital, Brasilia. The National Park Chapada dos Veadeiors was created in 1961 for the former Brazil's President Juscelino Kubitschek with a 65,514 ha. size with the intention of conserving and protecting the area. 
The UNESCO in 2000 recognized it as a human heritage.

Some of the main attractions are the waterfalls, which the most famous is 
the Jump of Preto's rivers with 120 meters high, the moon valley, it receive 
this name due to the similarity of its surface to the moon to complete 
this list there is also a natural stone bridge created by the slowly job of 
the Sao Domingos' river water's. One really interesting point that 
attracts tourists is that there is a mystical energy in the park given the 
fact there are many sources of precious stones and given the fact 
that it's cut by the same parallel as goes for Machu Picchu.

Sobre a bela Ponte de Pedra, na Chapada dos Veadeiros, regiĆ£o de Cavalcante - GO   

The National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros is just one of the hundreds 
or thousands beautiful, special and marvelous places that 
Brazil has and the tourists don't know about. It's a really a
wonderful place that everyone should know about.

Gustavo-4-Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo officially became a city in 1711 and is located in Southeastern. Sao Paulo is the capital of the state Sao Paulo which is the largest city in Brazil and also the world's seventh largest city by population. The Sao Paulo metropolitan area is ranked as the second most populous metropolitan area in Americas and among the ten largest metropolitan areas on the planet. The name of the city is from Saint Paul.

Sao Paulo has the largest economy among Latin American and its cities. The economy in Sao Paulo is huge which is considered the "Financial Capital of Brazil" where is located the headquarters of main corporations, also the city has a large numbers of foreign corporations. Sao Paulo has a fast-grow economy and the city is an important global city.

The weather in Sao Paulo is unreliable and the city is known as "Cidade da Garoa" which means city of drizzle), also the city has a humid subtropical climate that's why rainfall happens frequently. Sao Paulo is a metropolitan which has more than 20 million inhabitants around 39 cities in total.

There are many places to visit in Sao Paulo, no matter what kind of entertainment you like because whatever you want you can find out there. The are many monuments, parks, museums, cinemas, zoos, theaters and important events as Sao Paulo Bienal, Sao Paulo Fashion Week, Sao Paulo, Brazil Grand Prix Formula 1 Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Indy 300, Sao Paulo Gay Pride Parade, International Transport Industry Show, International Film Festival, Carnival and many others huge events.