Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 Generation Y

Living in the world which we live today is not easy to deal with. There are many people who do not care about anything to contribute to and somehow they are destroying the world instead. The way that I see the world is that our generation, known as "generation Y", could have a very good or bad impact on everything in our future, but how can we do the best things in the best way?

First of all, our generation should study and read more than any other and gather information as well as   which can help us in any situation in our lives. When we get used to reading books, newspaper, magazines, articles or whatever can gain knowledge from, we also get used to being capable to give our own opinion about anything. Moreover, reading is the way which can make the world much better day by day, because reading means getting to learn and acquire knowledge.

Second, most of us are used to thinking in short-term which in many ways can cause undesirable reactions in our lives and someone else's life. Many teenagers do not think about tomorrow and in many cases, for example, they become parents too early for their ages. This is one of the most serious problems which we can have nowadays and if we think about, it's the easiest thing that we can avoid. I don't mean that it's an awful event, I mean that undesirable children are a mistake which can be avoided. That's why I wonder what our world will become in the next 50 years which likely our grandchildren will be living in because If a huge part of population, even a tiny part, are from parents' mistake, what kind of education can we hope for them? So, we have the chance to avoid this awful future in our lives and in our children's lives.

Third, we must live our own lives by ourselves as early as possible and avoid being dependent on our parents forever. When we start working, take responsibilities and start deciding by ourselves what is right or not, these things will spread out in our future and we'll be ready to make choices whatever we want and the most important, we'll be ready to deal with the problems which are unavoidable for everyone. On the other hand, we'll always need our parents to help us in each decision that we have to do which consequently can hinder the process of our growth and becoming mature.

Last but not least, we "generation Y" must be prepared for the labor market. How can we do it? The first step is to know about what we like to do. Second, we must plan our career, because if we write and follow each single step, we can reach all of them and consequently achieve our main goals. Through these steps, we must focus on each individual step and never give up if the things have not been going as planned. Most of us have interesting goals but never reach them, it's because most of time we don't try for a second time when the first one does not work. we "generation Y" must have a goal and move toward it, also we must be the best professional we can be, trying to reach our personal goals and somehow to help the world to become a better one.

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