Thursday, September 13, 2012

Nick-12- Tips ?!


I think everybody should tip when they can, but they have to do it the proper way and with the right intentions. Because tipping can be a way of saying "thank you for your services" as well as " I am richer than you, and just to prove it here you go". Also some people tip because they feel embarrassed or guilty when they don't, but should we tip just because we feel guilty when we don't tip? I don't think so. I think tipping is important to us, but we have to do it the right 
way. Now let's talk about those proper ways.

First of all, you shouldn't tip if you don't have enough money to do so. If you don't have a high income or you are a student you don't have to pay large amounts of money and people will understand that. If you have enough money, just leave some tip even if you don't have to because people will understand that too. I mean if you don't have the sufficient economical condition employers will sense that and won't judge you, but they can sense when you have got lot's of money and if you won't tip them they will judge you.

Moreover, don't tip just to show off, believe in what you are doing. Some people just give the money in a rude and obvious way, but I think you should do it in a more subtle and gentle way because that is a sign of appreciation not aggravation.
If you do it the gentle way, results will be positive.

Finally, tip generously. I told you that you should only tip when you can afford to tip, so when you do don't be stingy about it. You tip so that the person who served you can do something with that money, give them the best you got and you will get the best they can give you. You will have a clear conscience when you walk out from the restaurant if you tip generously.

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