Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mario - 5 Advice

1 - Be curious

Learn from absolutely everything. Schools are the foundation, but only the beginning of it all.

Talk to people, pick their brains, learn listening to music, learn reading from books, learn practicing sports.
Too much of one source is not enough, try to listen to different points of view.  Wisdom and education are two important and yet different things.

 2 - Plan ahead

Don't rush into things without preparation and don't get caught off guard preparing too much.

Opportunities will appear and often you will have to measure them  if it is the right time to jump into the matter.

Have a 1 year plan. Have a 5 year plan. Have a 10 year plan. At the same time. Be conscious with money, make it work for you, not the other way around. 

 3 - Try.

Go out and try. FAIL at first time?
Try harder. Practice, learn, refine, try again. Be aware when its time to change tactics, or even to quit.

But above all, TRY.

It looks impossible? Why, just because you are the first one at it?
It doesn't have a manual?

Make it yours. Own it.

 4 - Explore

Make every second count. Explore the world, explore connections, explore what people have to offer.
In order to evolve you have to leave the cocoon. 
Its a family cocoon, its tradition, or religion? To make anything worth, you have to take a look from outside of it. For sure you will appreciate more later.

 5 - Be responsible

Try to do all these steps being responsible. Responsible for your actions, in how you affect people around you, in how you are going to leave your footprint in the world.

Stand your ground, when people around you are collapsing. Act on your feet without being impulsive.

At the end of the day, every single step will prepare you to be larger than life, to live at the fullest, to be happy!

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