Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Nick-13-pieces of advice

            WANT SOME ADVICE: READ!!

I believe it would be a waste of time if I talk about stereotype advices because nobody would listen to them. So instead of saying "read books, don't do drugs" I am going to suggest some things that might actually help you with life.

First of all, I don't think people need to be educated against their will, but let's face it everybody needs some kind of general information about what's going on around them and what had happened before them. My advice to you is that you should learn about major events in history and keep an eye on the events that are currently happening around the World. Not being able to solve math problems is one thing, but if you don't have a clue about who Adolf Hitler or Napoleon Bonaparte was then it is another thing and I would say you are in trouble.

Moreover, enjoy your life! do whatever you want, drink and have fun but just keep in mind that while doing all that stuff you have to protect yourself. your mother is not yelling at you because you do something wrong she yells at you because you aren't taking care of yourself. Don't overdose, don't drink and drive and don't have sexual intercourse with people you don't know without protection. If you take the necessary precautions everyone will be happy and you will be safe and hopefully more aware. (even Nike wants you to do it, so it gives you the protection!!)


In addition, It is way more fun to go out with your friends than to sit at home and spend your time on computer. Our generation's biggest problem is that everyone spends their time looking at computer screens. Don't do it! interact with real people not cyber people. Even  Bruce Willis advices you to do that-just watch his movie Surrogates where a very hot prostitute gets killed and they found out that she was actually a really fat man- so it is not a lame advice at all!

Last but not least, be curious! the only way to keep improving yourself is to keep on learning and experiencing different things and being curious is the key to learn  new things. Of course I don't mean that you should be nosey, but keeping a good level of curiosity can help you a lot in life. Even though I say you should be curios always keep in mind the saying "curiosity kills the cat".

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