Tuesday, September 4, 2012


What's the Real Importance Marriage?

There are many discussions around this issue and some people agree with getting married and registering everything through the paper; in contrast there are a huge number of people who totally disagree with it and they live together with their partners without getting married because they don't care about anything that can be related through law. In that case they are living in common law status which somehow is a marriage but without any paper or formal registration. Actually, this subject is a little bit complicated to discuss because it depends on the country where people live and also their religion, but I must give my opinion about it.

Nowadays, some things about marriage are becoming easier and other things are becoming more difficult, what I mean is that people don't care anymore about formalities, like signing and registration, because they don't want to be concerned about the law. That's why many couples currently after knowing each other, they go to live together and have children in a normal life like any other couple. Another reason which people don't care about marriage is that when the things haven't been very well and they decide to divorce, is the easiest way to do it. The number of divorced people has been increasing substantially which means that the relationships haven't been as healthy as years ago. Moreover, in some cases people have got married just for financial reasons or also for unwanted children which it sounds awful. In that case I totally disagree with getting married for the reasons, also that the child will grow up without feeling the really importance that exist in a family.

In conclusion, I think if we really know the people who are our partners and there is no doubt about anything, we're supposed to get married through law and have everything which a normal couple, or family, can be able and allowed to do. On the other hand, if the real reason is an unwanted child or something else, we shouldn't register it, mostly because as a business that we're not sure about the deal or even with the partner, we don't make deal as we don't get married with people who we have no idea about the future. 

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