Thursday, September 13, 2012



In many countries tips in place such as restaurants is a way to thank them for good services. In other countries tips are mandatory and it's included in the bill, also there are countries which it's not allowed. Nowadays, tips are some financial help to a lot of waiters and waitresses. However, how can we deal with this issue when we are foreign in other countries? How can we get used to tips when in our countries it's not common? How can we give tips without knowing where  the money really goes?

In my country, Brazil, tips are not common and besides that in most of the restaurants the tips are mandatory and included in the bill. In this case we don't have a choice even if the services is not good enough. Whereas in countries like the United States and Canada tips are part of social behavior, which I realized that even if we don't appreciate the services we must give tips instead of no tip.

Every time that I go to a restaurant, I wonder if they deserve tips or not, mainly because I don't know where this money will go to and who will get it. I must say that in some places the waiter or waitress really deserves a tip, because they provide very good service also motivate the staff to keep good services and improve day by day every single thing. In contrast, in some restaurant they do not attend their guests as well as they should, or also they're not part of the serving process and we, customers have to get our food and beverage by ourselves. In this case of course they don't deserve it. In my view we should consider the service because their job is not something like a product which we are buying and using it, but their job is a customer service which changes from person to person.

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