Thursday, September 13, 2012

Gustavo-4-Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo officially became a city in 1711 and is located in Southeastern. Sao Paulo is the capital of the state Sao Paulo which is the largest city in Brazil and also the world's seventh largest city by population. The Sao Paulo metropolitan area is ranked as the second most populous metropolitan area in Americas and among the ten largest metropolitan areas on the planet. The name of the city is from Saint Paul.

Sao Paulo has the largest economy among Latin American and its cities. The economy in Sao Paulo is huge which is considered the "Financial Capital of Brazil" where is located the headquarters of main corporations, also the city has a large numbers of foreign corporations. Sao Paulo has a fast-grow economy and the city is an important global city.

The weather in Sao Paulo is unreliable and the city is known as "Cidade da Garoa" which means city of drizzle), also the city has a humid subtropical climate that's why rainfall happens frequently. Sao Paulo is a metropolitan which has more than 20 million inhabitants around 39 cities in total.

There are many places to visit in Sao Paulo, no matter what kind of entertainment you like because whatever you want you can find out there. The are many monuments, parks, museums, cinemas, zoos, theaters and important events as Sao Paulo Bienal, Sao Paulo Fashion Week, Sao Paulo, Brazil Grand Prix Formula 1 Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Indy 300, Sao Paulo Gay Pride Parade, International Transport Industry Show, International Film Festival, Carnival and many others huge events.

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