Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Gustavo-6-Travel to the past

Would you like to travel to the past?

Have you ever imagined traveling to the past? What would you do if it were possible? I guess most people have thought of this possibility when the things have not been going well and mainly when we do things which we'd not have done. Although even if we'd like to travel to the past and change the wrong things which we've done, some people are afraid of going back to the past and revive and redo things again.

If I were able to travel to the past in any part of my past I'd not like to go back. First of all, even with the opportunity to change the things which I felt sorry about and I had done and with the possibility to redo or simply do not do them again. It sounds strange because in many cases there are lots of lives involved which if we changed some parts of our lives we also could change the life of someone else. Also, we can't change our lives just to benefit ourselves which could be impossible to change the things without affecting others' lives mainly because when the things have not been very well for us, others people have benefited from those ocasions.

Moreover, why should we change our lives if we have no idea about our future? What I mean is that, our lives is not a book which we can erase and rewrite the parts we did not like every time or whenever we want to. Our lives are more than just erasing and changing things that suit us. Our lives are mysteries and nobody will ever see the future and also travel to the past, because our lives are connected with billions of others lives and one single variable could affect them all.

Last but not least, from my point of view, God made every single thing as they are. So, what, we poor humans, should not change the route of his decision of our lives and go against him. For me it's not fair in any way. The point is that we must live our lives carefully and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Also, we must be aware of our actions because most of the humanity's mistakes are caused by some wrong actions. In this way we'll live better and avoid thinking of changing our past without any reasons.

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