Tuesday, September 25, 2012


                                               Advices for future generation

People always look for different adcvices in life  when they face situations that are little confusing when it's time to make a decision. I know for sure that those who honestly look for solutions will find proper advices for any situation. 

All right kids here are some advices for the future. The most tricky aspect of giving advices, is that they dont't work for everybody. It may just give you an idea according to which it get much easer to deal with a situation. 

What I know for sure is that life is always good, even when it plays games on you, it just means that you need to learn or understand something. So it's nessasary to try to understand and accept the world' rules. So following  this idea, I continue with my advices , and here comes another one. It's essintial for all people to understand what they want from their life, and understanding of this is not a day task! It may take years but it's really important. All these things are possible when a person stops being lazy . It's nessasary to work on yourself everyday, always have a plan or life strategy, always push your limits. Only diligence can help you to achieve good results in  life, and try to understand a little more about the world. That works like self rolling engine. The achievement that you make pushe you forward, but things that were left undone have opposite effect on people. Try to develope  positive attitude in all the thing you do or you face in  life. How it works it's secret for me. But positive attitude makes your brain work in the right direction, and brings you solutions! So simple but that's true. Finally I advice everyone to stay cheerful, laugh as much as possible, and take it easy. Life is beautiful.       


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