Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tulio -6- Travel/ Future, Past

The Past and The Future

Have you ever though about going back or going forward in time? Probably the answer would be "Yes" for most of people. It's a common wish among all generations, children, teenagers, adults and seniors. Everyone has the curiosity to know how the future will be and what will change in the future or the chance to change or fix something in the past, and also for pesonal reasons.

Imaging that the scientists had created a time machine, which one is capable of traveling to the past and to the future, and they have given an opportunity to you to use it to travel to whenever you want in the time.Furthermore, it allows the passenger to change one decision done in the past, but only one, although it doesn't have turning back. What would you decide if the chance were in your hands? What reasons would lead you to take this decision?

It's a sort of fancy question that plays with people minds and at the same time makes then in doubt. Personalty I would choose not to go to anywhere. First, because I think past is learning so all of  that I've seen till now is my life, every place I've been to increased my knowledge and widen my view of world, all the situations that I lived I learned a lesson, each person that I met taught me one thing, even good or not so all these experiences helped me to grow up in some way even if it was bad or good  and I can not regret it.

Second, it is a fact that the future is a mystery, what moves and gives sense to our lives. We won't have even an  interesting life if we already know what is bound to happen. It would be like decaying little by little for your death. The fact that we don't know what exactly  is going to happen gives us a reason to discover new things as to meet knew people, to travel, to study and do everything. The result can vary but at the end it will be worth it.

In conclusion, traveling through the time is a sort of thing that shape up people mind as well as the opinions they have. Therefore, it's a nice subject to talk about with friends because it helps the imagination and brings up histories about the past or future wishes. 



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