Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Nick-10- Marriage


Do we really want to condemn ourselves to a life-time bond? for me this is both morally and ethically hard, because I don't know what future will bring. I may not love/like the people I love/like at the moment or I may love/like someone else in the future, so giving promises about the future is not right to me. 

You probably know the saying "never say never", have you ever thought why you shouldn't say never? I did and I reached a conclusion. We shouldn't say never because we can't possibly give assurance to the people about our future. For example, you have a girlfriend and you tell her that you will never leave her, but you can't really know about that. Maybe she will cheat on you or after some time you won't be interested in her anymore, how could you know for sure? for me that's the reason why we shouldn't use the word "never" too often.

Moreover, people take oaths of marriage to be "man and wife" until the end of their days; as far as I could understand, these oaths gives them a sense of confidence and enjoyment, But for me these oaths are like death sentences because I don't want to dedicate myself to only one person. But I'm trying to be empathetic for the sake of argument. Anyways, half of the people who get married all around the world get divorced at the end. So Why on earth are those people taking oaths just to break them after a couple of years? that doesn't makes sense and for me, as long as divorce is an option, marriage is meaningless and vice versa. There isn't any point at taking oaths if you can break them easily, so there isn't any point to take those useless oaths while divorce is a possibility down the road.

Last but not least, sharing a life with someone for a long period of time is very hard. People think they can handle it and they get married without knowing each other or worse, they think they know each other but they realize they don't know anything after they get married. I think people shouldn't marry,because if they won't put it on paper and take oaths about it they won't have to work that hard to divorce. They can still live together and have children, they can do whatever they want and if they get bored of each other they can leave each other without any sense of guilt or regret. In a nutshell, don't marry, be happy.

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