Monday, July 16, 2012

Ana-1-Tattoos & Piercing

How tattoos and piercings help us defining who we are ?

The young people from the twentieth century  have now an extra-tool to help them expressing themselves and discovering their personalities. From subject-taboo to the new coollest thing ever, tattoos and piercing have become now an important part of the particularly of the human being.

The way it can help you to define yourself and be creative is unquestionable. It helps to create your own personality and get to know yourself better, in my opinion. Its not about placing yourself into a certain group of people or trying to pretend someone that you actually are not; it is about being unique, original, yourself. Knowing who you are and showing this to the society is something that helps you and gives you confidence.

If you use this art in your body though, you cant forget that its going to stay there forever. So, make sure you know what you want and make sure you are aware of the consequences of having your body pierced or tattooed.

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