Monday, July 16, 2012

Carmen_1_Tattoos & Piercing


When you get a small tattoo, it is ok because maybe you want to be in fashion, but when large tattoos modifies your natural appereance it is not ok.

God give us a body to live not a canvas for painting, I know that in several cultures indigenous people used to have  tattoos as a part of their culture but that was in the past, if indigenous people used to kill people to remove the heart and offering it to the gods are we going to do that too?

I respect the freedoom of people about their choices and I don't have problem with somebody else having a tattoo but as a mother I don't give  permission or my money  to my daughters to do that. I tell them when they live on their own they can make the decisons they want. I think that tattoos are dangerous and you can't do anything to remove them. In our coutry, Mexico, many companies don't hire you if you have a tattoo even if it is  in a private part of the body.

On the other hand, piercings can be another expression of fashion but when a person use a lot of them I think that's no ok, maybe they show social misfits.

So, I  if you want to use a tattoo or a piercing think about your motivation and the impact they can have on your life.

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