Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Vlad -2- Change The World

Any changes needed? ))

As soon as I received the task to write on this topic my brain just started throwing so many different ideas how we can change the world.

You can change only one thing, but this thing could be anything you could imagine.

What about make people fly like eagles, swim like fish, run like leopards? That's what so many people had been dreaming about throughout human history! It's very hard and responsible to choose one thing that everyone would be happy with. What about increasing life limit to 300 years?

Sounds good. But the more I think the more I get confused. Because every unnatural change will bring some effect  in the world order which, in my opinion, is doing pretty good without my help.

In conclusion, I would say that any external factors will never make things better. But as soon as we'll start working on ourselves,not spending time

doing useless things that lazy brain commands, world will start changing itself and I believe eventually it will change in such a wiseway that everyone will be happy with it.

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