Monday, July 16, 2012


Piercings and tattos: having them makes you a criminal?

Nowadays in our world we see more and more people with tattos, than years before, but how do people in different cultures see those people? Do they accept it? Are they comfortable  around them?

In my culture,Mexican people are not very welcoming to people with tattoos and piercings, because these people are regarded to be associated with vandalism and criminals.

Most of the tattoos in Mexico, are made in prision or to get into a gang, so if you get a tattoo people are going to think you are a criminal or a gang member. So if you try to get a job, and you have a visible tattoo or piercing, the chances to get that job decrease considerably.

Mexican families are very conservative about these issues; they think your body is a santuary and you have to respect it. So if you get a tattoo or a piercing, you are disrespect your family. Sometimes, they boycott you and even you're banished from your family.

Having a tattoo or a piercing is not a big deal, it's just another way of expressing yourself. Unfortunately; the way Mexican see them is not going to change very soon.


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