Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ipek-2-A Better World

In today's world, there are many problems which could affect our existence badly in the future. If these problems are not recognized and the appropriate actions are not taken to slow down or put an end to them, consequences could be overwhelming for us.These problems are over population, overconsumption of natural resources which is the result of over population, global warming and pollution.The more people live on the earth, the more resourches are consumed. All these problems also cause pollution.

when we look at all problems in the world, we see that the main culprit  are humanbeings. I assume that the only action we need to take to make the world a better place is making people realize  how serious the trouble we are in is. Changing their views about the world can help, because this world is our home so acting selfishly and destroying every creature on earth is  the most absurd thing. As previously mentioned, as the number of people on  earth increases, more and more resources are needed in order to survive.The demand for resources which are necessary for conveience is increasing at an incredible rate. So  if each person does a small part to slow down this and conserve natural resources , the result could be tremendous. Each person must  realize that by performing a small task , they can help make the world a better place.

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