Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Vladimir_1_tattoos & pirsing

                                                   Making tattoo
Tattoos is a very ancient art that had revolved  for many many times till nowadays. Every culture and every history period had it's own opinion,stereotipes, on tattoos. Tattoos have been  wide use in society for many reasons.They could depict social status, relativity to a certain group of people.  They could be of a religious meaning or carry some information about persons beliefs, his occupation. The point is that tattoos are not just picture. They actively influence on your behaveior and you appearence society. That actually helps ther people to gain certain opinions about tottoo carrier.To my opinion it's one of the strongest way to express yourself cause you'll live with them all your life.
Compared to usage of tattoos lang time ago I'll try to make a review and to see how has the ideas of making tattoos changed nowadays! It's fair to say that more and more people are making tattoos nowadays. And it becoms really popular espesically among young people. The borders of traditional use of tattoos are blooring. I thing nowadays tattos gained more art shapes then ever before. The idea of decorating  your body takes over the usual idea of just carrying information. And we can't say that the loss of traditional meaning is good or bad. It's just changing naturally.
Moreover it's nessasary to say that history know periods when tattoos were not allowd. So that's what I like most about nowadays that we have freedom in making tottoos. And   

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