Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Michelle-5-Make a wish

I WISH... I had enough money to travel around the world. It is very interesting for me to know about different cultures, languages and life styles of other countries, that's why I really want to go everywhere around the world.
  If I had the opportunity to visit a country, the first one I choose would be Cuba. I think that Cuba is a very interesting country - cuturally speaking-; the music has been very important in my life, and I really enjoy to listen to cuban music because it always reminds me of my grandmother.
To travel around the world I need to now many languages
 so I wish I could learn a lot of languages to be able to
understand what people say, how they live and also it will
be a huge advantage for me. I would be very successful in
 my carreer.

I would like to share all of this with my family. I'm sure they will anjoy it as well as I do. We can have a lot of fun :D

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