Monday, July 16, 2012

Daniel - 1 - Tatoos & Piercing

Tattoos: A New Way Of Art.

Art is the use of skill and imagination to create something beautiful to share with others.

So why can't tattoos be considered a new form of art?

Arts have the common root of originating in ancient times. They were products of traditions without the intention of being properly called arts but more tool-like oriented. Painting was the way they exchanged ideas or experiences. Music was they way they worshipped their gods and celebrated victories.

And tattoos were a form of healing or part of religious rituals.

Time passed and crafts began to be considered art. Some sooner than others. But again; why not consider tattoos as one? They've been around for some thousands of years too, and they are a way of expressing feelings. They even describe the person,  like a sign yelling something to the world a thought or a message.

Another advantage other visual arts don't have: they are moving around the world. You are walking in the street and bam! You see this awesome guy with a mermaid tattoo. Sure not every tattoo is a piece of art, maybe another's guy mermaid is not as cool as the first guy's mermaid, just like not every drawing is art either.

The problem is that some people are conservative and frown at tattoos, just like they do to graffiti. Genetation gaps! However these are modern ways of expressing, modern ways of art. Canvases are not enough, works on canvas may not reach the world. But when the work is walking down streets, or painted on the walls, chances are that thousands will see it. Thousands will get the message.

This is how the worlds is, the wheel turns and new forms of art appear.

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