Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2-wendy -DOOMED !!!!!!


NY man killed when thug pushed him onto a subway track then train runs him over. NY Post prints shocking picture.

Today morning, I hearded some terrible news about what happended in NY. I couldn't believe it.
The train struck and killed Ki- Su c k Han, 58, as he tried to pull himself back up to the platform at the 49th Street station. Victim lived in the New York City borough of Queens. Seeing the photo, we can see the man who wants help from others. BUT, Nobody did. If someone just had given their hands to him, he could have lived ! Also, One took pictures 49 times with flash ! But he said that I couldn't help him, because he was too far from me. It is a poor excuse. He could have helped him instead of making flash. This news is big big issue to everyone now. Everyone says about this issue. But this happening was already finished. Because victim has died...... This happening shows  our egoism. We should think over our problem. If we leave many situations that are not related to us , the society problems will get  worse and worse than now. For example, if someone has died, we don't know that, even though someone lives next to your home. So, We have to change our attitude. We can start to try offering seat to the elderly. I wish we would. If we try that, the society will be  warmer and more friendly.

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