Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mayra-1-Artists & Athletes

Why  Artists or Athletes get more money? 

A simple question, which has a lot of answers;however,  the answers dependents on the point of view of each person. 

In my  point of view; artist or athlete should earn a lot of money, because almost all of them have a lot of expenses. For examples they have to take care of their health, skin, body, hair, inclusive their security, so that kind of things are so expensive, they have to look very good all the time, they're in the public eye, they have to show an incredible image of themselves.

Look all the people who works in Hollywood or the famous Athletes, they have to spend part of the money they earn to have a good life, some of them only work for a few years, because the beauty and being young is considered one of the most important things in the entertainment industry,  in case of the actresses or actors, this is a disadvantages for them, because when they're old they have less work, and they have to rely on the money that they made  before. The same way is for the Athletes, they'll be working for short period of time before they get  old.

On the other hand,  because all these people earn  extreme amounts of money for only a few movies or only for some pictures in an important magazines and almost all of them spend a lot of money in many parties, shopping and expensive stuff that they will never use or wear again, they get into problems with drugs, alcohol and sex; some young actresses have suffered from  problems such as anorexia and bulimia, and they have been on the brink of death.

The artists and athletes  have to show a good image in the society, but nowadays they only show images where they are drunk, the actresses look so thin like a skeleton, and the young people, speciality teenagers are following these trends.  

For that, I think the amount of money is fair, , I mean they earn a lot of money for making things that they aren't so important, and sometimes they give a bad image in  public;  there are people who are working all their life and they don't get a reasonable amount to live all their life. For example, the teachers and doctors, they spend many years, almost all their life teaching students and saving lives, they really are hard workers, however, their salary isn't comparable with the famous people, who only appear on TV.


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