Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Victor-2-Universal Language

For a Better Understanding: An Universal Language

I might be in pro of having an universal language because it has a lot of advantages even though it also has disadvantages as well. Having an universal language would allow people from different countries to communicate and understand easily to each other. Imagine that you can travel to any country to visit the wonders it has, and not only that, but being able to communicate with people efficiently, understand their culture and their beliefs. Giving the right assessment to the culture not only of each country, but each group of different beliefs allow us to create a better world of understanding, comprehension and endurance of customs through history.

On the other hand, even though there are between 6,000 and 7,000 languages and dialects spoken throughout the world, we have been able to develop knowledge in technology, medicine, biology, even to understand and communicate with animals, now, imagine all people speaking the same language, it will bring down the language barrier to work together in pro of a fastest development of technology, medicine and so on. It might also help to resolve the conflicts between countries.

I believe that in order to achieve that goal, we need to be aware of choosing the right language that allow us to keep the richness of meaning of every languages' expressions and at the same time it need to be the simplest and easiest of all of them if we need to chose one out of all the languages we got know.

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