Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Victor-2-Athlets and artists too rich

Valuing Important Things

It really isn't fair for celebrities to get paid  crazy amounts of money. I mean, why is that a movie star deserves 5 million dollars to make a movie that took 4 months of hectic acting, and/or a singer deserves 15 million for producing a 12 track album, but someone who has a master degree or studied for his or her whole life, is lucky if they get even 500,000 a year? It just shows how much we value being entertained over being healed, rescued or taught.

It doesn't mean that it's wrong for them to make a lot of money, even for the directors or all the staff that are involved in those kind of events, e.g., fight events, movies, TV shows, and so on; but when they reach all this money and fame all of a sudden, they don't know what to do with it, and they just spend all this in buying extremely expensive cars, mansions, and they also get involved in drugs because they don't need to be concerned anymore with making a living. Moreover, we also see many people involved working in these events and shows with very low wages. I mean, it's a need to find a balance in society paying less money to these celebrities and pay more attention to the less fortunate people. I barely hear a couple of movie stars supporting a fundraising or helping people, but what about the others?

For me, we need to be aware of this problem related to globalization, e.g., movie theaters are raising the cost of tickets every year, DVDs prices keep going higher and higher, but I don't think they need to, I think they just want to earn more and more, and that's unfair, that's why we have the problem of piracy. I believe that if they lower the cost of all these stuffs, they would still be able to support their industries and they would help the customers' economy as well.

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