Thursday, December 20, 2012

Victor-2-Shootings in Schools what can be done?

Stop Gun Ownership

 The slaughter of the innocents in the Sandy Hook Elementary School is one of the many such cases that the U.S. has particularly had in the last decades.

There are gun laws in the U.S. that allows every person to have guns because they have the right to "self defense" and protect their homes from any offender, and they can have as many guns as they want and almost any kind of "small" or "medium" guns. But they don't think if it's right to give the power of a gun to someone who has psychological or mental problems! Most of the cases of mass murders are related to these kind of people. But, how to control them, how to prevent more cases like this one?

I think they as a society, but also all of us, have a responsibility to make a decision on whether we love our kids more than we love our guns. Why do the government has just demonized these cases and have done nothing to find the offender and at best they have found just a scapegoat. Little has been done to prevent ocurrence of these cases in the future by introducing new legislation about firearms for instance? The gun-making is a huge industry and there is a lot of corruption and interests about keeping up this industry because it makes billions of dollars a year.

To find a solution, we just need to take a look at the situation in England. Since the last time they got that problem and approved a gun law that basically made registration mandatory for owning shotguns and banned powerful weapons for common people, the murder rate has fallen and all the indicators are moving in the right direction. So U.S. need to look into their gun laws and assess ways to better protect the public. It's a stupidity to make almost any army equipment such as powerful rifles with telescopic sight, body armors or semi-automatic rifles, available to anybody, they are ready not only for their self-defense, they are ready for war!

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