Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Humans: the most dangerous species?!

I think I gotta agree with the statement: humans are the most dangerous species on Earth.

I say this because no other species has created such a thing as atomic bomb to destroy its own species. No other species can even try to destroy the whole world in less than 1 day, but just humans are able to do it if we want! It is simple! Just grab a virus and spread it out by airplanes! Which other species could do it?

We think that we are progressing with our discoveries and creations… but most of them are just silently destroying our vital resources. Industries of all kinds are providing us with lots of conveniences, but at the same time, polluting rivers, air, devastating forests and so on.

The problem is that we think locally and on impulse. Our actions are not being sustainable. And it will lead us to our own destruction. But before this, we are going to destroy everything else we still have.  Do you still think that the term “rational animals” is the best term to describe us?  

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