Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Victor-2-Dangerous Human Beings

The Most Dangerous Species on Earth: Human Nature

If you think which is the most dangerous species in the world and you came up with predators such as lions, tigers, bears, sharks, jellyfishes, or snakes, you are terribly wrong. Human being is the only species that slaughter their own kind for no reason or nonsenses like power. We are the only ones that have the potential to be hideously cruel and destructive to one another.

And why are we our own worst enemy? I think it has to do with psychological issues, but also we can see this behavior throughout history where there have always been wars between people, groups, towns or countries.

I am unable to understand how human mind can have a dual nature: on the one hand we are "animals" who regularly commit terrible atrocities against our own kind; on the other hand, we are horrified and shocked by all instances of murders, rapes and tortures we watch on a daily basis, and we have to struggle with this reality everyday in this increasingly dangerous world.

Furthermore, we are destroying our own environment. That's why I strongly believe that we need all the rules and laws we can do to control our behavior and we need to organize efficiently to protect us from ourselves. We are the only one and the most dangerous reasoning species so far... until we find a more intelligent predator.

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