Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Olivia-2-New york subway accident

Photo fury over New York subway victim


   Ki-Suck Han, 58, of Elmhurst, Queens died Monday afternoon around 12:30 p.m. after being hit by a southbound Q train at the 49th Street Station, police said. The victim was pushed into subway track after quarreling with homeless person.  Some witness said “The suspect was talking alone before Han came and they started fight suddenly” and he added that the victim tried to climb off the track after dropin out but he couldn’t do, eventually he faced died. Many picture and videos which related with this accident were posted in internet. Thanks to some videos the culprit was arrested on Wednesday morning. Although those pictures helped catching the suspect, it was shocking that in the video there were a lot of people in the station the time but any did not try to help him even though Han tried to escape the tracks. Everyone just took pictures and watched the situations.

      This accident makes us think back about a sense of morality. How could they just not only watching but also taking a picture instead of saving the victim. If someone had helped Han he could have survived, there were enough time to saving him. They could have helped Han instead of taking picture!! Of cousre they worried about thier safety but it's too selfish  it was related in escaping death.

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